You must be crazy if you are reading this...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Akon humping a 14 year old... Can it be possible?

Too many of these rappers who can't rap/singers are just making too much money, while us other folks do a 8-5 shift, 5 days a week to get our middle class wages. This Akon duBlockquotede gets the luxury of limos, fine dining, 5 star hotels, and humping 14 year old girls on the stage of his concerts. He can do it right in the view of lots of people and cameras and you know what..? People will still buy thid dudes records. So you are now wondering what the heck I am talking about. Well below is a video that was recorded of Akon performing at one of his concerts. He got really into his show and proceeded to show all his fans that he could break a womans back during sex if he really wanted to. His security people chose a person out of the crowd for him and she happened to be a 14 year old girl. The girls guardian had the following statement:

“When she went up on stage, Akon started throwing her around like a doll ...
and made all kinds of sexual gestures to her. That's not for a grown man to do
to a child.” The lady continues, “The man could have killed her - you should
have seen her when she came home. She was covered in bruises.”

Well from the video I can see why the girl would have bruises. Akon manhandled her like a ragmuffin. See for yourself

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Shooting Myspace Blog Related -?-

Has the Myspace page of an accomplice of the Virginia Tech mass murderer been found

According to this blog post, this person had knowledge about what was going to happen at the Virginia Tech University. The time shows that the blog was posted before the shooting. However times can be modified when posting blogs. Fake or not, it's worth posting I guess.

There are other Blogs on his Myspace page, and this person has been a member since March so the page wasn't just brought up today...

Link to Blog:

Links to Myspace page

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Christopher Barrios Jr. Graphic Murder Details

I cried, I am crying. He looks like my son. Wow, what can be said for such a shocking story. I personally believe in the death penalty (always have). These are definitely the types of cases in which the murderers deserve it.

I must warn you, what you are about to read is extremely graphic and sad. It will piss you off and may make you want to go stalk the County Jail where these bastards are being held so that you can kill them with your sniper rifle but DON'T DO IT! Georgia will hopefully obtain justice for this terrible crime.

I want to share with you the graphic details of the crime in which Christopher Barrios was killed. Why? Because you people need to wake up and realize whats going on in this world. Protect your children. Stop letting these predators and pedophiles out on the streets.

What did they do to Christopher? George Edenfield (The son), David Edenfield (The father), Peggy Edenfield (The mother). They tortured him!
George Edenfield (The son) and his 58-year-old David Edenfield (The father) took turns sodomizing the boy and forcing him to perform oral sex while Peggy Edenfield (The mother) watched and masturbated. Then they choked him to death as he cried out about how they were hurting him. From reading the local news George Edenfield seen Christopher get off his bus that afternoon and "the devil told him he had to kill him."
Have you seen their pictures? Imagine the horror that the young boy felt. I can't even imagine.

In an interview on March 12 George Edenfield had "made some statements of concern to the police department, but there was no evidence that he had any part in the child's disappearance."
Also on March 12, Detectives said Peggy Edenfield allowed police and two Atlanta Natural Gas Co. employees into her trailer to check for methane gas. Detection devices alerted to the presence of methane gas, which is produced by decomposing bodies.
Detectives said that in a follow-up interview that day with Glynn County police Sgt. Keith Stalvey, Peggy Edenfield admitted that George attempted to clean fingerprints off Christopher's neck "using a pot of water and soap and wrapping him in plastic trash bags."That statement is consistent in three of the four search warrant applications. In the fourth – this one to search the Edenfield home – it is stated that Peggy Edenfield said she washed Christopher's neck.
That same warrant includes Peggy Edenfield telling police "that David Edenfield and George Edenfield used clothing to wipe semen off their bodies." No further information on this detail is included in any of the warrant applications.

The Mother - Peggy Edenfield
The Son - George Edenfield
The Father - David Edenfield

The accomplice - who helped in getting rid of the body

The news article:

BRUNSWICK, Ga. -- A convicted child molester and his father took turns sexually assaulting a 6-year-old boy while the molester's mother watched, then they choked the boy to death, according to an indictment returned by the Glynn County grand jury on Wednesday.
The indictment charges George Edenfield and both his parents with murder, kidnapping and child molestation in the slaying of young Christopher Michael Barrios, whose body was found last Thursday inside a trash bag dumped by a roadside.
Glynn County District Attorney Stephen D. Kelley said he will seek the death penalty against 32-year-old George Edenfield, who has a prior child molestation conviction from 1997, and his parents, David and Peggy Edenfield. "This is one of the most horrific crimes that I have seen in 21 years of prosecutions," Kelley said.

Christopher went missing for a week before police found his body about three miles from his trailer park home outside Brunswick, a Georgia port city 60 miles south of Savannah. The suspects lived in a mobile home across the street from the boy's grandmother.
The indictment contains grim details about the case that police and prosecutors had not previously revealed. It says Christopher died from asphixation March 8 -- the day he was reported missing -- after the suspects choked him while "ignoring his complaints that they were hurting him."
"It makes me sick and it makes me so angry," said Christopher's grandmother. "All four of them need to be charged with murder and they don't need to be kept alive long. They killed our baby. They don't even need to be alive now."
The indictment does not say which of three caused the boy's death.
It also claims George Edenfield and his 58-year-old father sodomized the boy and forced him to perform oral sex while Peggy Edenfield watched and masturbated.
"They deserve the worst, for them to torture my son like that, every last one of them," said Mike Barrios, the slain boy's father.
A friend of the Edenfield family, Donald Dale, was indicted on charges of concealing a death and tampering with evidence. Kelley said Dale did not become involved until after Christopher had been killed.
Nathan Williams, the attorney for 57-year-old Peggy Edenfield, declined to comment Wednesday. Attorneys for George and David Edenfield did not immediately return phone calls.
Glynn County police arrested the Edenfields four days after Christopher vanished while playing alone outside. Police Chief Matt Doering said all three suspects confessed to playing roles in the boy's abduction.
Police have said Dale admitted to investigators he helped the Edenfields dispose of Christopher's body. Other charges against the Edenfields include false imprisonment, cruelty to children and enticing a child for indecent purposes.
Police have described George Edenfield as mentally slow, but capable of understanding right from wrong. They have said he is not retarded.

Christopher Barrios Jr. disappeared from a playground hear his home about 6 p.m. on March 8. His body was found a week later in a trash bag near the Burnswick airport.
Ironically, the Edenfields moved into the trailer park where Christopher lived last year because of a Georgia law intended to keep child molesters away from children.
Sheriffs' deputies told George Edenfield in September that he had to leave his home near downtown Brunswick because it was too close to a playground. Georgia law prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of schools and other places that draw children.
His family went to live in the trailer park in October after George Edenfield was arrested for failing to move as ordered. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to probation March 5, three days before Christopher disappeared.
George Edenfield was required to register as a sex offender after he pleaded guilty in 1997 to molesting two boys, ages 7 and 9. Prosecutors said he rubbed his clothed body "in a sexual manner" against the boys, who also were fully dressed. He was sentenced then to 10 years on probation.
His father, David Edenfield, pleaded guilty to incest in 1994. He was accused of having sex with an adult relative who was not his son.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Post Mortem Pics Not So Fake..

Well it looks like the rumors of the post mortem photos of Anna Nicole Smith not being fake may just be true. Looks like they are as real as Micheal Jackson is gay and in love with little boys.

"No wonder the National Enquirer wasn't more sheepish about its phony photos of Anna Nicole Smith's corpse. They weren't phony after all—or so sources at publisher American Media are claiming. "The photos were real," says one tipster at the company. "They were taken with a cell phone. The Enquirer had to say that they were fake to protect their source. There are only a couple people who had that kind of access to the body." An AMI insider backs up that account, adding that legal issues had also come into play. The results: A caption claiming the images of a blue-lipped Smith in a body bag were "a photo re-creation" and editor in chief David Perel's slipperiness when asked how they'd been produced. ("There were so many different layers of how to achieve it, I couldn't even begin to describe it to you.") One conspiracy theory posed is that the Enquirer retouched the real corpse photo to make it look like a fake, and that the larger of the two photos splashed across the spread is a recreated scene, while the smaller, more grim shot is the real deal pulled from a camera phone. That speculation, which suggests an almost unimaginable breach of journalistic ethics (even for the Enquirer) gets even spookier when taken in the context of Perel's earlier comment implying that the editor has at least seen the genuine photos of a dead Smith: "If you had our images side-by-side with the actual photos, I don't know if you'd be able to tell them apart," Perel told Radar. Asked about these claims on Friday, Perel stuck to his story but resisted going into detail. "These were photo re-creations based on an eyewitness account," he said. Did that eyewitness happen to have a camera? "I won't talk about sources. I don't have photos of the body." Perel's evasiveness could mean he has something to hide—or that he's not overeager to quash rumors about the photos being real, even if they're not. One longtime veteran of the Enquirer is confident it's the latter: "If they had the real photos, I guarantee you there is no way they wouldn't be saying so." Conrad Rotondella, a New York-based digital retouching artist, says the larger image, at least, is almost certainly the result of computer chicanery. "There's a definite difference between the neck and the chin," he notes. "Also, the perspective of her face doesn't match the perspective of the body in the bag." As for the smaller image, he adds, "I can't be absolutely sure due to the quality of the photograph, but there does appear to be some Photoshop 'masking.'"

FAKE? As one theory goes: This is the recreated image of Smith's body ...

REAL? Note differences in eye shapes from the previous photo, the part in her hair on the opposite side, and the fact that Smith's mouth is open.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith in Body Bag

Has the final images of Anna Nicole really been released? Word has it that the images released by the National Enquirer actually were taken right before Anna was embalmed. Here is the statement of a "Source"

DESPITE the National Enquirer’s claim that the eerie post-mortem images of Anna Nicole Smith it published were “photo re-creations based on eyewitness accounts,” a source close to the magazine says they were the actual photos of the Playboy playmate’s corpse lying in a Florida mortuary. “We didn’t want to get anyone fired,” an Enquirer operative told The Post’s Braden Keil. Someone with access to the refrigerated drawers scored a big payday after pulling out Smith’s pre-embalmed body and unzipping the body bag for an Enquirer photographer to hurriedly snap her bluish face.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Death Photo (Maybe)

Ok so most people that know me, know that I am a person who is fascinated with a paticular subject that makes most cringe. Yes that is death. For some reason since I was a child, I have always been the type of person who wanted to work in a morgue. So I am a dark individual but not the weird type of dark person that noone wants to be around -K-

Now that I have said all that I would like to present you with a supposed picture of the body of Ms Anna Nicole Smith. What a photo it is. I however have been told that this photo was taken and then printed in the National Enquirer. Then I was told that it is a recreation of Anna in the morgue. Whatever it may be it is her or an exact of her lying on the slab of the Broward County Medical Examiners office.

Oh and rumor has it that she died of pneumonia. We all know the girl liked her narcotics.

Friday, February 23, 2007

American Idol's Antonella Barba Sex & Underage drinking Photos?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, February 16, 2007

84yr old woman has sex with 11 yr old boy

Her name: Drumroll..... Georgie Audean Buoy.
She's 84 and likes to have sex with 11yr old boys.
Well she definitely deserves to go to prison. Man what is the world coming to? This young child was in her foster care. Apparantly she reached a deal with prosecutors and plead guilty to attempted sex abuse. (Attempted??) In a taped confession she admitted to having sex with the 11yr old boy in 2004. The prosecutors decided that her AGE and criminal history (there was none) played a role in the plea deal. I would have to say that her AGE should have gotten her more time. This nasty skank knows better! Oh yeah.. She's a long time church member too and volunteer for the county jail prior to this happening. JOY! She will register as a sex offender when she is released and must pay fines. I can't even imagine that old woman in any kind of sex position... Poor boy, the images will haunt him, he will be scarred for life..

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Home Video - Utah Mall Shooting Rampage

Sulejmen Talovic decided tht he was going to pull a gun and start shooting people at random. A fella named Jaron Dansie decided he was going to start filming as much of it as he could and got some of the Utah Mall Shooting Rampage on Tape.

Here is his video:

Quoted From
Jaron Dansie was inside a Salt Lake City shopping mall when 18-year old Sulejmen Talovic entered the building, pulled a gun and started shooting people at random. As he took shelter inside one of the shops on the first floor, Dansie pulled out his video camera.

“What the… What the hell's going on?” Dansie can be heard saying on the video, in between a barrage of loud gunshots. Dansie, a wedding videographer, said that turning his video camera on was not the first thing on his mind. But his actions led to an intense visual record of the tragic events that happened inside the downtown Trolley Square mall during some of its worst moments.

“I heard [a victim] yelling, ‘Stop, stop, please don't shoot… don't shoot.’ And then heard more shots,” he said. Dansie actually made his way out into the hallway before he started recording, but when he heard gunshots in a shop next door, he ran back.

“When I finally walked past the camera and saw it… I thought, ‘I gotta start filming this,” Dansie said. Startled and panicked, Dansie loaded a tape into his camcorder and got into position – partly hunkered down in the store. Moments later, he says a uniformed Salt Lake City Police officer walked in with his gun drawn. Then, an off-duty police officer, Kenneth Hammond, can be heard identifying himself outside. Dansie, however, wasn't going anywhere.

Seconds later on the tape, Hammond joins the officers to search for the gunman. Then, as both officers see Talovic, Hammond turned and ran for cover. For the next several seconds, shotgun blasts and gunfire from police officers can be heard outside -- followed by silence. Talovic, the gunman, was dead – shot by officers.

In all, the tragedy lasted just six minutes. "

Dog's Ear Cut Off - Then Glued Back On!

I really don't even know what to say to this... One thing I will say is that I usually don't waste my time with stories like this, BUT, for goodness sakes the groomer super glued the ear back on.. The lady has even saved the severed ear in a ziplock bag. That had to have hurt! Need I say more..

The Video

Lakisha Jones - American Idol Videos

This girl is amazing! I hope she wins. She is has been on the scene for quite some time, and there are some videos out there of her doing some singing competitions. This girl is just like Whoa!

Check out this website.

Video - Store Shooting & Robbery On Tape

This guy is just brutal. He just walks in and starts dropping rounds on these store clerks with absolutely no conscience whatsoever. You will be happy to know that the store clerks did survive this incident. I am just amazed at how brutal people are. The other guy that lingered around afterwards looks suspicous to me.

News Article

"Two Jackson convenience store clerks are shot, and the bold robbery is caught on tape. Armed thieves shot 25-year-old Bassam Alomari in the face and right arm. The second clerk, 34-year-old Alhoussine Arhgoummi, was in the back room when he was shot in the forehead and left arm.

The gunman opened fire then raided the cash register. A second accomplice also robbed the register. The bloodied and injured clerk retrieved a 44-caliber magnum, exited the store, and fired three shots in the parking lot.

"This is one of the coldest, most callous robberies I've seen out of 15 years; just total disregard for human life, total disregard for property. Shocking doesn't even describe what you just saw," said Sergeant Jeffery Scott from the Jackson Police Department.

After the shooting, a customer stumbled upon the bleeding clerk and proceeded to ask for five dollars in gas. Police need your help identifying these thieves. One wore a dark colored jacket with a large unique emblem on the back. Call Jackson police at (601) 960-1234 if you have any information."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chicken Marango My Azz - Pic to prove it

Never I repeat NEVER!! eat at Valentinos NY Italian Restaraunt in Palm Bay, Florida. Man I go in and order a Chicken Marango. The menu says Chicken Breast with Wine, Butter, Peppers, Onions, side of spaghetti and salad and this is what I got:

WTF is this??????? Can anyone tell me????

Looks like someone sat over the aluminum foil and took a crap!
Wheres my peppers and onions. Oh that's right, probably got digested in the stomach tract on the way out! I called them up cause I just knew this had to be a mistake, know what they told me?... "It tastes alot better than it looks" Maybe from their trailer trash world. I was looking forward to some Italian food.

Jeff (the hunchback manager) told me he would give me a "credit" if I drove the uneaten food all the way back up to the restaraunt. (Does it look like I would even put my mouth on that crap) By the way I paid 10 bucks for that stuff. I told him NO WAY and that I would find much greater pleasure in posting it on my blog on Myspace as well as my other blog

I have a new website (which I have yet to give out the URL to you guys. Dont worry I will tell you soon) I will post this crap on the front page because this is a crime in itself. hint hint.. my website is about crime and justice.

So...... New Yorkers... Is this how they do it up there? Or is this a disgrace to your cooking or what?

Heres there contact info, make sure that if you ever talk to them or happen to call them that you tell them that you saw a picture of their Chicken Marango dish on my blog and it looks like diarreah. I told Jeff (the hunchback manager) I was gonna post it on my blog, and he said fine, so I said FINE! NOW WHAT!!!!!

Valentinos NY Italian Restaraunt
160 Malabar Rd SW # 104
Palm Bay, FL 32907
(321) 728-0003

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Video - God Loves IED's acording to this Church Minister

Well.. I can honestly say that I don't care for people like this. What an irrational, seedy, low-life, worthless, still breathing our oxygen, degenerate, piece of dog crap man. How can this man say these things. I swear I think he say's God loves IED's about 20,000 times.

Here's the scoop, this minister feels that God loves IED's because it's killing OUR soldiers due to SIN in this world. How backwards is this.. Murder is in his heart, and God is against that to. There is such thing as SIN and homosexuality is in that category (Don't hate me for saying it, it's in the bible folks, which I wholeheartedly believe). Now that does not mean we should wish death on people because of it. God will deal with just like he will deal with us and the SIN in our lives. Here's the video

Friday, February 9, 2007

Video - Anna Nicole Smith Final Moments

I know most people wouldn't dare want to know this... Video of Anna Nicole Smith receiving CPR was sold for $500,000.

Ignore the German. I will try to find an English version when possible.

News Article

See the following news article,2933,251000,00.html

Saturday, February 3, 2007

~Warning~ Georgia Cops tazer black man to death. Grim Video


Where do I begin with this one.... I tend to express my truest thoughts when I am writing any blog. If you ever read anything I have ever written you have probably figured out that I usually lean towards the "details" of things. With that vast "details" problem of mine... I really like to show things for what they really are graphic and all (even if some can't watch). I think we are too numb these days as people to understand how utterly sick and depraved our society is. This includes the "good folks" including Police Officers, Judges, Political Puppets, and even our Presidential click. I think the "inportant people" are as dirty as underwear worn for the last 6 days. Its smeared, covered up, stinks, and just plain nasty. As you watch the video, please note that the end was unecessary.

What's The Story?

An epileptic Georgia man suffered a fatal heart attack after being tasered five times in 60 seconds by the Gwinnett County Sheriff Deputies. They restrained him in a chair while handcuffing his wrists and shackling his feet.

The last words of Frederick Williams, 31 was "Don't kill me, man! Don't kill me!". Those words are soon followed by a deputy asking, "Do you want another one?" as a taser is repeatedly fired into his convulsing body.

The Georgia deputies had brought him to their county jail after his wife, Yanga, called 911 to say her husband had become violent after failing to take his epilepsy medication. A grand jury who refused to view the videotape declined recommending indictment charges against the deputies. A police investigation into his death also cleared the deputies of criminal liability.

The 23-minute video ends as deputies unsuccessfully attempt to revive Williams. (You may want to Fast Forward, You may not..) However you may miss the part where they let him lay there die like a dog without even attempting to save his life when they realized he wasn't breathing.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Faggot - My new favorite word....?

Well looks like the guy that Isaiah called the "f" word may be leaving Grey's Anatomy. Figured I would further define this awful derogatory term..

Faggot - spelling - F - A - G - G - O - T


Faggot or fagot may refer to:

The image

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Online Predator Part 1

This is my 1st official blog that actually shows people on Myspace who purposely go after underage children. Do you remember my previous blog "Minors on Myspace"? Well with my curiosity (which I am so bad at) I checked up on ol' Tyler. I wanted to see if any grown women were part of his Myspace friends. As soon as I looked at his myspace page, a lady on the front page (Donna) asked him if he had any more pics.. Now keep in mind, the only pics of him are very scantid and disgusting. No pics like that should be on a 16yr olds myspace page, let alone anybodys Myspace page.
Well I admit, I got somewhat upset to see that GROWN 41yr MARRIED lady leaving a comment like that.

So I decided to send her an email and here is how it went down

(And YES that is her pic, click on it for her profile, and read from the email from the bottom up)

Here is a link to her profile:

Date: Nov 5 2006 12:17 AM
Subject: RE: RE: You are a sicko
Body: harsh accusations....? Are you smokin crack lady?? You are 41 he is 16. They only pics he has of him are with him half naked with a hard on. Cmon who are you fooling. You are a pedophile pure and simple.
You ought to be ashamed.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Donna
Date: Nov 5 2006 3:16 AM

I can appreciate your concern, but you don't know me or anything about me. You need to think before making such harsh accusations.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: CJ.Way
Date: Nov 5 2006 2:56 AM

Why would you leave a comment to see more pics of Tyler who is a 16yr old boy? I think a married 41yr old woman to want to see more pics of young boy is very disheartening and just shows the complete and utter decay of people in general.

Did you ever think that Tyler may be a police officer or a worker for various undercover agencies that look for people like you.

My goal in life is to get people like you put in jail.

His myspace profile:

I will be reporting you.

Still awaiting a reponse. I will post when I get it... But I have to admit, since day 1 I have wondered if "Tyler" is really a cop. If he is, I find it quite amusing why "pull" tactics are used. In other words the pull attempt is to get people to break the law. (Is that why he contacted me initially) If thats the case I think that is wrong. I think the criminal (perpetrator) should make the initial moves, the other way around seems somewhat... well I dont know the word for it is....

What's wrong with you Isaiah? Have you no backbone?

I am definitely not trying to turn this into the Isaiah Washington blog but I just can't help but to express how the deepest pits of my stomach are churning with a toxic stew awaiting to spew on the next "faggot" who walks past me. (They're everywhere!) Am I gaybashing? Maybe I am but who cares, it's what....that's right people.... freedom of speech. So now Isaiah is going to counseling. Is this for real? Now he is forced to go to counseling because he called someone a "faggot"? This is just utterly crazy.


You're a faggot, You called him a faggot, why you backing down now? If you feel your image is so important to "faggots" apologize and be done with it. Is all this counseling and public announcements necessary. If it was me I wouldn't even say sorry.

News Article below:

Isaiah Washington, the embattled star of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy," has begun counseling related to his recent homophobic remarks, the actor's publicist confirms.

“With the support of my family and friends, I have begun counseling," Washington said in a prepared statement. “I regard this as a necessary step toward understanding why I did what I did and making sure it never happens again. I appreciate the fact that I have been given this opportunity and I remain committed to transforming my negative actions into positive results, personally and professionally.”

Washington took a break from filming Tuesday to meet with gay rights activists and offer help in educating the public about the cruelty of such words, an offer the activists called sincere.

Life & Style Weekly has reported that Washington entered a residential treatment facility on Jan. 24; however, his statement does not indicate whether his counseling plans were for inpatient or outpatient treatment. It was also not clear if he would miss work on the show.

"Grey's Anatomy" creator Shonda Rhimes issued a statement saying ""I speak for all the executive producers here at ‘Grey's Anatomy’ when I say that Isaiah Washington's use of such a disturbing word was a shocking and dismaying event that insulted not only gays and lesbians everywhere but anyone who has ever struggled for respect in a world that is not always accepting of difference."

Rhimes' statement went on to say "We’ve been working within the ‘Grey’s‘ family as well as with ABC and Touchstone Television to address the issue in a way that underscores the gravity of the situation while giving us all a foundation for healing. We applaud and encourage Isaiah's realization that he needs help and his subsequent choice to seek immediate treatment for his behavioral issues. "

Washington apparently used the word "faggot" on-set while arguing with another castmate, Patrick Dempsey, about castmate T.R. Knight, who later announced he was gay. The situation was stirred up again after the Jan. 15 Golden Globes, where Washington denied making the comment originally but again used the slur.

Knight later appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and contradicted Washington's Golden Globes statement, saying that the original slur was used, and expressing surprise that his co-worker was now denying usage.

Life & Style Weekly quoted fellow "Grey's" star Katherine Heigl, who was quick to defend Knight, referring to the situation as "tense" and adding “I think it’ll work out and I’m hopeful that it’s handled properly.”

The magazine also quoted castmate Kate Walsh as saying “I feel really sad, I just trust that our show will deal with it in the way that they see fit.”

The hit show now in its third season hasn’t so far suffered from his behavior, at least in the ratings: It drew 22 million viewers in the week before the verbal slur was reported last fall, while the episode last week was watched by 23 million.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

So he said Faggot... And... Now "they" are making him say sorry??


Guess I will write this blog in ALL BLOOD RED! So Isaiah Washington calls his co-worker a faggot. (Well he is gay) and WOOOOWEEEE what a frenzy that's erupted! Man oh Man. Didn't know it was illegal to use the word especially when you are expressing your FREEDOM OF SPEECH! So now Isaiah is a little sucker bowing down to some alliance of gay homophobe activists! What kills me the most is this part:

"..met Monday with gay rights activists who said he agreed to help educate the public about the cruelty of such language."

"We emphasized that this is not a one-shot deal, but an ongoing thing. He was very open to doing this."

Is this for real?? I mean these "faggots" just say "Hey Isaiah, you called your co-worker a faggot and now you must apologize and you must have public speaking seminars on it." CMON People! Did these "faggots" forget that there are THOUSANDS of children missing and many more being abused. I can see a much better use of time.

However the main thing is how are "THEY-The Faggots" going to force this man to apologize and hold meetings to discuss his use of the word "faggot" towards a gay man. I mean this is just insane. Gays, Lesbians, Trannies, Frannies, Mixed-Up Annies, Faggots, Genderly Confused, Straight, whatever it's MY FREEDOM OF DANG SPEECH!

The article is below for you to read. Ok so I know that I have ALOT of people that read my blog as I watch the blog view counter and I already know I will 'tee' someone off, but GUESS WHAT!! Its called freedom of speech!

I know I am touching a nerve with this blog but that's why I was put on this earth to rebel against the norm. I have done a great job at it since I was a youngin and don't plan on stopping yet.

Maybe now they will come get me and force me to apologize for my ranting antics concerning the awful word "faggot". I actually think it's a disgusting word, but it's only ever been defined as one thing.... Guess you better get a Websters..

News Article:

LOS ANGELES - "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington, under fire for using a gay slur about a co-star, met Monday with gay rights activists who said he agreed to help educate the public about the cruelty of such language.

"He seemed very sincere in his interest in working with us in an ongoing basis," said Kevin Jennings, executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. "We emphasized that this is not a one-shot deal, but an ongoing thing. He was very open to doing this."

The star of the hit ABC medical drama met with Jennings, who spoke after the private meeting, and Neil Giuliano, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. A call to Washington's publicist for comment was not immediately returned Monday.

According to Jennings, Washington said he wanted to explore ways to work with the gay-lesbian network to address issues of "name-calling and how he might use his various platforms to educate people about how painful and wrong it is."

By coincidence, Jennings noted, Monday was the start of "No Name-Calling Week," coordinated by the gay-lesbian network with national educational partners to help schools find ways to eliminate bullying and slurs of all kinds. His group welcomed Washington's help in promoting the group's agenda, Jennings said.

Washington, himself a father, said he understands how the issue effects young people, Jennings said.

Washington, who stepped away from filming for the hour-long meeting, said he is interested in pursuing various options, such as public-service announcements, Jennings said. No firm agreements were reached, the group's director said.

"I think this is a very good first step toward him showing he really wants to do something. We take him at his word," Jennings said.

In October, it was reported that Washington used the term "faggot" about castmate T.R. Knight during an on-set argument with co-star Patrick Dempsey. He used it again backstage at the Jan. 15 Golden Globes as he denied ever uttering it.

Washington issued an apology after he was publicly criticized by GLAAD and chastised by ABC.

"Grey's Anatomy" led nominees announced Sunday for the 18th annual GLAAD Media Awards, recognizing "mainstream media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ... community and the issues that affect their lives."