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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Death Photo (Maybe)

Ok so most people that know me, know that I am a person who is fascinated with a paticular subject that makes most cringe. Yes that is death. For some reason since I was a child, I have always been the type of person who wanted to work in a morgue. So I am a dark individual but not the weird type of dark person that noone wants to be around -K-

Now that I have said all that I would like to present you with a supposed picture of the body of Ms Anna Nicole Smith. What a photo it is. I however have been told that this photo was taken and then printed in the National Enquirer. Then I was told that it is a recreation of Anna in the morgue. Whatever it may be it is her or an exact of her lying on the slab of the Broward County Medical Examiners office.

Oh and rumor has it that she died of pneumonia. We all know the girl liked her narcotics.

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